History of North Carolina

    Believe it or not, in ancient times, over half of North Carolina was underwater and giant sharks used to be the only explorers there. It's quite hard to believe that a place like that could eventually be a civilization of it's own. To this day, North Carolina remains one of the 50 States in this amazing country that I am proud to call my home.

    North Carolina got it's huge start in the 1580's when the British made two colonies in it. Even both of those colonies failed, it attracted major attention to the state. In fact, by the 1600's settlers were moving in from Virginia. Enough people moved to that location for it to become the British colony of Carolina.

    1775 was a huge year for Carolina as well as Britain. Carolina had decided to be the first colony to declare independance from Great Britain. It was quite a bold move for them but, it worked out in their favor. That was the year that North Carolina became the twelvth state.

    Being apart of the Union only lasted almost a century when North Carolina broke into the Confederacy during the Civil War. They felt like they needed slaves in order to stay in business with the cotton industry. If they didn't have slaves then they wouldn't have cotton. They ended up surrendering in 1865 and then brought back into the Union just three years later.

    Now, North Carolina is known for more than just a tank of sharks. It's known as the first state to declare independance from Great Britain. It's the place that broke away from the Union. It's the place that The Wright Brothers flew the first airplane. It's the place we killed Blackbeard the Pirate. It's the birth place of Andrew Jackson. And it's the home of many well-rounded Americans.


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